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This beautiful sculpture depict a male figure, or hunter in a seated position holding what seems to be hunting tools. The piece shows traits that related it to the Malinke tribe of Mali. The piece is more likely an ancestor figure with neat braided hair and beard. The form suggests that it may represent an ancestor and was used for offerings. The Malinke people share many traditions with other Mande-speaking people like the Bamana. This includes the use of wooden shrine sculptures. Carving from their region is often difficult to attribute to a particular ethnic group because of widespread borrowing of stylistic features among groups.This is an important piece that would hold a prominent place in a collection.
Made of 100% wood.
Model is W 19 – H 61 and weight 4.8 kg.
This small fetish figure originates from the Malinke tribe of Mali. Commonly referred to as Mandinka, Maninka, Manding, Mandingo, Mandin, and Mande, they live in areas of sub-Saharan Africa that have a history of agricultural settlements dating as far back as 7,000 years. The Malinke people share many traditions with other Mande-speaking people like the Bamana and can be easily confused. This impressive abstract piece features a crusted patina and small horns on each side and shows obvious aging. The works of the Mandinka craftsmen are often used within the secret societies during various ceremonies.
Made of 100% wood, crusted patina.
Model is W 18 – H 54 and weight 2 kg.
The Bamana Ntomo is an initiation mask originating from the Bamabara tribe of Mali, wirthin the Ntomo Society. The elongated form and clean lines of this mask, depicting the stylized face of a young man, are hallmarks of a sculptural style that originated in the Segou region. The mask was worn in performances conducted by Ntomo, the first of several initiation associations that guided men from youth to old age, oversaw ritual activities, and gave structure to communities. The antelope and the youthful female figures on this mask encouraged young men to achieve prowess in farming and courting. While Ntomo is no longer active in the Segou region, secular youth associations now present entertaining performances featuring masks and marionettes.
Made of 100% wood, kaolin, pigments.
Model is W 20 â H 38 and weight 0.8 kg.